C L I N I C A L   R E F L E X O L O G I S T


As a keen yogi, I continue to develop what Mr Iyengar (the world renowned yoga teacher) calls “awakening intelligence in the body”. So when I had my first reflexology treatment whilst on a yoga retreat, the sense of wellbeing, deep relaxation and release it instilled in me, felt wonderful. Three years later I went from teaching English to training as a clinical reflexology practitioner.


  • I trained with the Reflexology Academy in London and obtained a Level 5 qualification, the highest level for reflexology in the UK.

  • I have completed specialist training in maternity care, subfertility care and palliative care.

  • Advanced Reflexology Techniques (ART) two day post graduate training course

  • Reflexology for Women’s Health - two day post graduate training course

  • Reflexology For Stress - two day post graduate training course

  • Orthopedic Reflexology - three day post graduate training course

  • I am a member of the Professional Reflexology Association.


Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.